What You Run from, You Run Towards

In childhood, we learn what emotions are safe and unsafe to experience. We develop strategies and personalities to protect ourselves from reexperiencing the unsafe emotions. Unhealed, these emotions are active wounds, open and exposed to more pain.

You can’t skip the healing process; the more a person runs from their emotions, the more those emotions run their life. Most people are rarely aware of the emotions they avoid, yet they may be aware they continually experience the same undesirable situations.

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Dan Loney
Breathe in Slower

I’m curious, is it important for you to live with integrity to yourself?

And if so, what does it mean to live a life—no, rather, moment-to-moment—with integrity to yourself?

I’m curious, who would you be if that obstacle wasn’t in the way? who would you be if you were nurtured in the way you needed to be?

And if so, who’s to say you can’t be that version of yourself, now?

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Dan Loney
In 2025, Take the Right Risks

I remember when I first consciously felt the result of exchanging money for time. My apartment was in need of a deep clean. For weeks I’d tell myself I’d clean, but due to heavy work hours, I put it off. At the time, my moral compass wouldn’t allow me to hire someone to clean my filth. Eventually though, I caved.

When I came back to my apartment after the cleaning, it was lemon-smelling and bright white. Waves of new energy—gratitude, joy, and expansion—enter my soul. Initially, I felt bad for the cleaner, but he was excited and gracious for four hours of work. The energy exchange felt amazing.

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Dan Loney
You Don't Need to Agree.

Our culture moves so quickly. We jump from task to task, idea to idea. We’ve got more to do with less time. The effort to become an individual—to create personal boundaries, meaning, and worth (which is no easy task!)—can come at the expense of a relationship. Often, our energy exchange with one another becomes transactional, naturally interacting with others by what we can get out of them to meet our own purpose.

As people are waking up more to how they feel, they also notice that in this newer energy exchange, and often true, authentic connection feels lacking; genuine connection is efficiency’s casualty. And when a person feels emotionally disconnected with another (i.e. a spouse or a parent to a child, etc.), they often use a “redirect” to communicate:

“You’re not hearing what I’m saying”

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Dan Loney
Change Your Script, Change Your Life

When you’re in a good flow, life is less about making “right” decisions and more being in tune with yourself, others, and your surroundings. You’re making choices and creating life from spaces that didn’t seem available prior. Being a fuller, more alive version of yourself is knowing you have the capacity within to create change.

How do you effectively create change?

As you know more about yourself, meaning you’re aware of the unconscious scripts you’re operating from, and then, taking the courage to step out of that box, you now create newness. Well then, what are your scripts and how can you change them?

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Dan Loney
Rethinking Anger

Culturally, anger, more so than any other emotion—such as sadness, disappointment, grumpiness, frustration, regret, guilt, hurt, etc.—is shunned. I often hear clients lament, “Ugh, I shouldn’t have gotten angry though.” When someone doesn’t feel heard, seen, or accepted, resulting in emotions of hurt or shame, which are primary emotions, a protective mechanism comes up. That protection is a secondary emotion, likely anger.

For most people, it’s emotionally safer to have others attack the protective shield of anger, rather than know the more vulnerable feelings of hurt or shame. How can you know anger is mounting?

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Dan Loney
Emotional Training is for the Stressful Moments

If you’ve ever competed in anything, you know the work you’ve invested in shows up. You can’t fake it because in stressful situations, your mind is less conscious. Your body will unconsciously carry out what is most real to it. It doesn’t matter whether you’re taking a licensure test or you’re in the NBA Finals; when it’s foreign territory what your soul is most comfortable with, you’ll execute.

The same is true relationally. The work you put in matters. Relationships are filled with stress. Even if you know what you should be saying and doing, whatever is most comfortable for you, you’ll execute.

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Dan Loney
Closer Than You Think

You're closer than you think.

The difference between flatline and success is closer than you think. A successful business, relationship, sale, interview, promotion, or win may be a subtle shift away. Often when reaching the edge of success, we intuitively and unconsciously retreat to the known.

Why do we pull back when we're so close?

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Dan Loney
Redo Your New Year's Goals

If you choose an authentic goal for the new year, you will be tested in a way you never contemplated. The objective merely elucidates the sacrifice(s) you’ve yet to make in your life, of which you weren’t formerly aware. The sacrifice is that which your identity will need to shift—yes for the sake of the stated goal, but more so for the liberation of your soul.

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Be in Courage

Courage can’t exist without the presence of fear; therefore choosing courage is vital to your soul’s well-being. In choosing courage, you confront the fears preventing you from your fullest expression of aliveness. Without facing fear, you’re not only subject to experiencing a life of “what if’s” and likely, regrets, but life also becomes defensive. Instead of choosing what you truly want, you’re unconsciously choosing what may feel like it hurts the least. While that may work for you right now, long term it creates more pain. Here’s an additional bit of wisdom: if you don’t actively take steps of courage, if you merely maintain the status quo, your soul entropically collapses.

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Rethinking Anxiety

The word anxiety is thrown around a lot. And while it’s true, anxiety prevents you from showing up in the world in the way you’d like, I’d like you to rethink anxiety. This way you’ll release it’s grip over you. You don’t have anxiety in the way you think.

People would say they have anxiety to ask their boss for a raise; to break up with their significant other; to set a boundary with a family member; to disclose their feelings to a crush; to start their passion project. It’s not true.

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Dan Loney
Ready for Your Quantum Leap?!

Is it fair to say your life is comprised of the decisions you’ve made? While life has all dealt us a different hand, the decisions we make matter.

Sometimes decisions appear inconsequential, like whether you chose to drink the full cup of coffee or left half of it. There are medium-sized decisions: do I choose a new exercise routine, not contact the summer fling back, or ask my manager for hours more conducive to my lifestyle? Sometimes the life-defining are obvious: do I stick out the marriage or end it? Do I stay in the same city or relocate?

Whether or not we realize it, we’re always making important decisions.

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Need More Motivation?

Five years ago, I branded my therapy practice towards helping people ‘get unstuck.’ I noticed the theme of stuckness showing up in everyone’s life. Since then, stuckness has become more pervasive, as individuals increasingly experience transitions, be it vocationally, socially, geographically, financially, relationally, etc. While there are dozens of reasons for the stuckness phenomenon, I offer a different take and solution to get unstuck.

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How to Be Happier

We often make life harder than it has to be. We self-sabotage healthy choices and give energy to unhealthy choices—sometimes unknowingly but sometimes, we’ve got a clue. We trap ourselves in invisible cages.

| You might know you need to put up a boundary but feel like you can’t.

| You might meet a healthy partner but spend energy around an unhealthy one.

| You might have potential in an area but put off pursuing it.

Easy choices = a hard life. Hard choices = an easy life.

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Visualize Your Future: Get Your Emotions Unstuck

Are your good feelings taken hostage to your situations? Do you ever say to yourself:

I’ll finally feel relief when this situation resolves itself.

I’ll finally feel joy when I’m not so busy and stressed.

I’ll finally feel love when I get in the right relationship (at the perfect time).

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Dan LoneyComment
Might You Have Self-Imposed Limiting Beliefs? [Podcast]

“Is it possible that you might, even accidentally, be living with some self-imposed limitations?

Are there ways that you have kept a limitation on yourself? What have you acquired along the way when it comes to self-belief?

How might it impact your life if you could discover and move through a self-imposed limitation? What would happen if you dared to think differently?”

Life coach, Lori Sase and I have a candid and fun conversation about all these questions on this three part series. Take a listen, or three.

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Energy Takers vs. Energy Creators

You know what NBA teams do as soon as they get the new season schedule? They circle when they’re up against their rival teams. We all do this to some extent. We do this with friends, colleagues, clients, family, and enemies. We circle them red ink in our mental weekly or yearly calendars.

Why? With them, we need to create more energy before and after interacting. We may even play out how the interaction a hundred times, finding different ways to conform ourselves to save our energy.

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Do You Have Ghost Injuries?

Fourteen months ago, I overtrained, sustaining a knee injury that led to a worse, back injury.

I tried everything to heal my back: doctors, yoga, acupuncture, body reconstruction (fascia work), physical therapy, chiropractic, reiki, etc. After thousands of out-of-pocket over three months, nothing worked. My muscles, tendons, and ribs still had constant pain. I couldn’t even walk or sit without my back flaring. For the next four months, I was confined to bed rest and Advil—easily the worst injury of my life.

Slowly, in the beginning of the 2022 new year, my PT started me on tortoise-paced rehab. But any time I’d push myself, my knee and back would chide, “Stop it. Slow down. Don’t push it!” So what’d I do? I listened to my body. I played it safe. Why? I never wanted to re-experience an injury.

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Dan Loney
Tired? Exhausted? Hopeless? Restructure Your Internal Organization

Does it feel like the world is getting a little crazier? Is it hard to keep up?

These days, everything has been changing: dating and relationships, family structures, work industries, living arrangements, social activities, politics, etc. While some changes are beneficial—people are becoming more empowered, adventurous, efficient, bold, creative, well-rounded, and integrated—they don’t come without a cost. You’re also not alone if changes are leaving you overwhelmed, frustrated, lost, confused—even sad, alone, and hopeless.

If this is resonating with you, you’re not only not the only one. I can safely give structure to your well-being and mental health. You game?

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