Posts in consciousness
Be in Courage

Courage can’t exist without the presence of fear; therefore choosing courage is vital to your soul’s well-being. In choosing courage, you confront the fears preventing you from your fullest expression of aliveness. Without facing fear, you’re not only subject to experiencing a life of “what if’s” and likely, regrets, but life also becomes defensive. Instead of choosing what you truly want, you’re unconsciously choosing what may feel like it hurts the least. While that may work for you right now, long term it creates more pain. Here’s an additional bit of wisdom: if you don’t actively take steps of courage, if you merely maintain the status quo, your soul entropically collapses.

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Ready for Your Quantum Leap?!

Is it fair to say your life is comprised of the decisions you’ve made? While life has all dealt us a different hand, the decisions we make matter.

Sometimes decisions appear inconsequential, like whether you chose to drink the full cup of coffee or left half of it. There are medium-sized decisions: do I choose a new exercise routine, not contact the summer fling back, or ask my manager for hours more conducive to my lifestyle? Sometimes the life-defining are obvious: do I stick out the marriage or end it? Do I stay in the same city or relocate?

Whether or not we realize it, we’re always making important decisions.

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How to Be Happier

We often make life harder than it has to be. We self-sabotage healthy choices and give energy to unhealthy choices—sometimes unknowingly but sometimes, we’ve got a clue. We trap ourselves in invisible cages.

| You might know you need to put up a boundary but feel like you can’t.

| You might meet a healthy partner but spend energy around an unhealthy one.

| You might have potential in an area but put off pursuing it.

Easy choices = a hard life. Hard choices = an easy life.

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Tired? Exhausted? Hopeless? Restructure Your Internal Organization

Does it feel like the world is getting a little crazier? Is it hard to keep up?

These days, everything has been changing: dating and relationships, family structures, work industries, living arrangements, social activities, politics, etc. While some changes are beneficial—people are becoming more empowered, adventurous, efficient, bold, creative, well-rounded, and integrated—they don’t come without a cost. You’re also not alone if changes are leaving you overwhelmed, frustrated, lost, confused—even sad, alone, and hopeless.

If this is resonating with you, you’re not only not the only one. I can safely give structure to your well-being and mental health. You game?

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Why Consciousness Matters: III

Did you know that we’re all struggling to achieve a higher state of consciousness?

Growing in consciousness human evolution. If you ever feel “stuck,” your soul is begging you to find a way to increase its consciousness!

Here’s my third-grade definition of consciousness and why it matters: consciousness is your ability to work through stuff. The more you work through things in your life, the more intimacy, peace, freedom, and connection you’ll experience.

Consciousness is when discomfort and adversity is experienced and reprocessed in healthy and productive ways. Our cumulative ability to work through things in different fields roughly represents our consciousness as individuals and collectives. So, how can you grow in consciousness?

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The Imaginal Podcast: Discovering an Even Truer You

In today's episode, Dan Loney offers fresh perspectives and navigable pathways to finding an even truer version of yourself. While that could sound at times like a catch phrase, Dan brings illustrative examples as he tangibly explains why this is so meaningful. He also brings charm and depth to topics that could otherwise seem too familiar.

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Narratives are Powerful

Where do narratives come from?

They come from family. From place of birth. From culture. From country. From media outlets and teachers.

You know what’s scary about a narrative?

They are EXTREMELY hard to escape. When we come to believe a narrative, we’ll use “confirmation bias” to selectively choose information to give power to the narrative.

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Nine Prompts For Journaling


This is the topic that invokes fear in the greatest of humans.

This is the homework therapists love to assign and clients love to pretend they’ve done.

People like the idea of journaling. They know the benefits of journaling. They hate the practice of journaling.

Therefore, I’m not going to tell you to journal. I’m not going to tell you the benefits of journaling. I’m just going to give you 9 journal prompts. You can decide where to take this. And fine, I’ll give you one-gigantic reason to start journaling.

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Why Consciousness Matters: Part II

In my last blog on Why Consciousness Matters (and how to increase yours), I detailed how the small, consistent changes make a huge impact. Essentially you’re allowing yourself to ‘work through more stuff’ at a higher rate and with more intensity.

Some of you might not know where to start with that. You might be too impatient. That’s understandable. And while there’s no real shortcut for longterm success, I’ll give you 3 ways to avoid the scenic route.

I’ll tell you how.

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Why Consciousness Matters: Part I

Did you know that we’re all trying to achieve a higher state of consciousness? It’s part of human evolution. It’s also why on some level everyone feels that slight, internal angst. When we either feel internally stagnant or our internal state is out of alignment with our environment, something feels off. It’s all a matter of consciousness.

You can become more conscious in different realms: Physical / Sexual / Social / Relational / Spiritual / Emotional / Mental.

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