The Imaginal Podcast: Discovering an Even Truer You
This was such an amazing experience!!
Hey there, l was on Lori Sase’s #theimaginalpodcast, where we discussed all things human. She is an amazing life coach and an even better human, if that’s even possible. If you’ve got a few minutes, take a listen here. I think you’ll find it refreshing!
From Sas’ site:
In today's episode, Dan Loney offers fresh perspectives and navigable pathways to finding an even truer version of yourself. While that could sound at times like a catch phrase, Dan brings illustrative examples as he tangibly explains why this is so meaningful. He also brings charm and depth to topics that could otherwise seem too familiar.
With professional expertise along with personal candor, he delves into the layers of authenticity, identity, marginalization, stuck states, connection and more. All the while, Dan is organically very welcoming, relatable, inspiring and safe - thus allowing us who listen the space to lean even more deeply into our own reflections.